I nostri uffici saranno chiusi dal 12 al 16 agosto.

AT/RM/FHE25 - Area Tecnica - Lazio, Latina

For an international company operating in the medical devices business, we are hiring an

Facility & Hse Expert

Manage Facility services for the sites of Latina verifying that the activities are carried out in compliance with the reference standards and regulatory constraints in force
Ensure the functioning and efficiency of the buildings by implementing new solutions to optimize expenses
Manage the relationships with external providers in relation to a broad range of aspects (contracts, services provision, quality control, etc.)
Supervise Facility audits and scout reliable suppliers for maintenance activities and projects
Coordination external technicians, ensuring the quality of interventions and services provided
Liaise with the HSE team to evaluate and coordinate on the resolution of technical issues about environmental, health and safety matters
Support in the supervision and management of activities related to energy management within the Company (i.e. from consumption checks and optimization to the promotion of energy efficiency interventions, etc)
The candidate we are looking for:

Preferred master’s degree in technical subjects (Mechanic/ Energy/ Civil/ Management Engineering)
Experience in development of management systems (ISO 9001, ISO 14001 , ISO 45001) 
Experience in facility management or in HSE procedures
Excellent analytical mindset and problem-solving approach, aim at finding the right solution to the specific business problems
Excellent use of Microsoft Office suite
English spoken and written proficiency (at least B2)


Based in Latina

Alti Profili è una divisione di Umana S.p.A., Agenzia per il Lavoro - Aut. Min. Lav. Prot n. 1181 – SG del 13/12/2004. Ai sensi della normativa vigente, il presente annuncio è rivolto a candidati di entrambi i sessi (L. 903/77 e 125/91, D.lgs. 198/2006). Il trattamento dei dati personali dei candidati avverrà nel rispetto della vigente normativa in materia di protezione dei dati personali.

La relativa informativa, resa ai sensi degli artt. 13 e 14 del Reg. UE 2016/679, è consultabile al seguente indirizzo: http://www.altiprofili.it/privacynew.asp